CAD Design and Drafting

Less than two decades ago, the primary goal of most CAD Design and Drafting organizations was to provide up-to-date CAD workstations and a pleasant working environment for their CAD engineers and designers. Even today, the training of a CAD engineer focuses on equipping the engineer with the ability to define engineering problems and to use CAD tools to solve the problems.

When a new CAD engineer is recruited by a CAD company, some of the most important lessons that the engineer may learn during orientation and training include the following:

  • Design projects should be performed with specific company-approved Suitable CAD workstations, and design tasks should be performed under well-defined company guidelines,
  • Security guidelines should be followed religiously in order to protect company information, and the exchange of design information should occur within well-established protocols,
  • Workstations and the work environment are fenced by a company firewall, and any attempts to work outside the system are considered as a violation of company policy.

The fact is that within the last decade, cyber terrorism has become prevalent and sophisticated. It is not only national governments and national defence systems, financial institutions, or infrastructure systems which are targets for cyber terrorism. CAD Design and Drafting companies also spend money and resources to protect themselves from cyber terrorism.

CAD Design and Drafting

In this article, we try to answer the question: “How CAD Design and Drafting Industry fighting New Cyber Threats?” Because a complete answer to the question is not within the scope of this article, only these topics will be considered:

  • What is a cyber-attack?
  • How could a cyber-attack be waged on a CAD system?
  • What damages could a CAD company suffer from cyber terrorism?
  • How could cyber-attacks on CAD organizations be prevented or minimized?

What is a Cyber-Attack?

A cyber-attack is a malicious action which is designed to disrupt or cripple the computer systems of infrastructures, computer networks, or personal computing devices. The attacker or cyber-terrorist uses sophisticated methods to avoid detection because of the attacker’s intention to establish a foothold in the targeted computer system in order to steal, alter or destroy information in the system.

The methods used by cyber-terrorists include the planting of malicious software (malware) or viruses in the targeted system. When a cyber-attack on a CAD organization succeeds, the criminal or intruder could do the following:

  • Steal software or identities from the CAD organization,
  • Create denial of service to CAD engineers,
  • Steal or destroy intellectual property.

How Could a Cyber-Attack Be Waged on a CAD System?

Because methods of cyber-attacks have become increasingly sophisticated, it is necessary for IT engineers who work for CAD organizations to stay up to date with new cyber-attack methods.

The CAD engineer is too busy performing design tasks to become pre-occupied with cyber- attacks. Nevertheless, the CAD engineer should be keenly aware of avenues or entry points which could be open to the cyber-terrorist. These avenues could become open to the cyber-terrorist by performing these seemingly innocent practices:

  • Opening email attachments which could include malicious malware,
  • Downloading software, multimedia material, or unknown data from the web.
  • Inserting flash drives into USB ports.

Once a cyber-terrorist accesses the intended target, the criminal can quickly accomplish several tasks.

  • Probe for vulnerabilities and additional network access within the organization,
  • Use malware to establish additional breach points, so that the cyber-attack will be difficult to remove completely, even if the original point of attack is removed.
  • Establish network access; gather data such as account names and passwords. If the cyber-terrorist succeeds in cracking passwords, data can easily be collected from the victimized target.
  • Disguise the presence of planted malware on the network, in order to make it easier to return and steal more information, or to cause damage to the network.

What Damages Could a CAD company Suffer From Cyber terrorism?

It is not too difficult to imagine what types of damage a cyber-terrorist can cause to a CAD organization.

The main types of damage which could ruin or severely damage a CAD organization include:

  • Having designs stolen or destroyed. Even designs which are backed up within a cloud system will lose their proprietary status and could be exploited by competing organizations.
  • Suffering a denial-of-service attack which prevents CAD engineers from performing their work,
  • Having the network system brought down

Rather than try to enumerate other types of damage, it will suffice to mention vulnerabilities within CAD systems which have been exploited, or could be exploited by cyber terrorists.

  • The Stuxnet worm virus was used to target and damage Iranian centrifuges used to enrich uranium. The malware was sophisticated enough to make the technicians believe that the centrifuges were operating normally, while they were actually destroying themselves.
  • Malware in Bluetooth-enabled insulin pumps altered the dosage of insulin administered to a patient, with the intention of causing injury or death to the patent.
  • Malware planted within the software of a production machine could create defective parts while deceiving the production personnel into believing that they were producing acceptable parts.
  • The STL file format used for 3D Printing or AM (Additive Manufacturing) can be easily altered by malware so that 3D printers produce defective parts.

How Could Cyber-Attacks on CAD Organizations Be Prevented Or Minimized?

Cybersecurity or the ability to prevent new cyber-attacks or threats is a never-ending battle for IT professionals, because cyber crooks and terrorists are well trained, and they are always looking for new methods to practice their criminal behaviour. According to the viewpoint of a cybersecurity expert at CBIS (Washington DC-based Center for Strategic and International Studies), it may be more profitable for businesses to concentrate on detecting malware and on minimizing the damage they can cause.
CAD organizations could take additional steps to thwart the efforts of cyber terrorists. Some of these steps are:

  • CAD engineers should stay vigilant and should report any changes in the software environment to IT personnel.
  • CAD engineers should not open email attachments which do not come from well-known sources.
  • CAD engineers should not download data from sources outside their organization without the approval of IT personnel.
  • All USB or flash drives should be scanned for malware before they communicate with workstations.
  • CAD organizations should create segmented networks.
  • CAD organizations should promptly identify and quarantine unrecognized data within the network until the data has been cleared for safety.

If you all need any help regarding design and drafting services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Australian Design and Drafting Services or call us 1800 287 223 (Toll-Free) Australia Wide.

What are the 4 types of CAD?

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) encompasses various types of software used for designing, drafting, and modeling. The four primary types of CAD software are:
2D CAD: These programs are used for creating two-dimensional drawings and designs. They are often employed in fields such as architecture, engineering, and manufacturing for tasks like creating floor plans, schematics, and technical drawings.

3D CAD: 3D CAD software enables users to create three-dimensional models of objects or structures. This type of software is widely used across industries like automotive, aerospace, product design, and entertainment for visualizing and simulating designs before production.

Parametric CAD: Parametric CAD software allows designers to create models with parameters and constraints, enabling them to easily modify and update designs. Changes made to one part of the model can automatically propagate throughout the design, maintaining consistency and reducing errors. This type of CAD software is particularly useful for complex designs where interdependencies between components are critical.

Solid Modeling: Solid modeling CAD software represents objects as solid entities with volume and mass. Users can manipulate these solid objects to create complex shapes and assemblies. Solid modeling is commonly used in product design, mechanical engineering, and architecture for creating detailed and realistic 3D models of components and structures.

How to be Best Drafter or Designer in your Field

Get set your new year resolutions by adding and establishing some professional goals. Setting goals are crucial progress, especially when it comes to business or career. Here are a few of my professional goals for 2016. These are the things that work well on becoming a better drafter and designer this year.

Best Drafter or Designer in your Field

If the above goals resonate with you, feel free to adopt and implement them in your professional career.There could always be something new to learn, and with all the resources available online, it would be more accessible than ever. One needs to learn something new about design, drafting, business, entrepreneurship, teamwork, marketing regularly.


If you’re looking to work in a large office that is set from home as a freelancer, there would be a time when you’ll find yourself working as a team. There would be nothing worse than a passive team member. Consumes but never contributes, also make it a goal to become more active in your team and contribute.


There’s this old saying, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it”, is true, but don’t let it stop you from trying new things. Sometimes it would be a good thing to get out of our comfort zone and try something new and different. Maybe it would be taken into a different design process, new marketing strategy or as simple as a new workstation layout. Trying new things is always an excellent way to challenge and help yourself grow.


In the last and a half year of running my drafting and design firm, we noticed networking is one crucial thing that’s needed to grow businesses with ease. Instead, it would help set up a workstation to meet new people and discuss the requirements. We should take this as an opportunity to find outside our comfort zone. Get ready to grow your network with another freelancer, business owner, drafter and designer.


Back to my first statement, “you don’t know everything”. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but rather a vital growth step. It’s always important to have mentors from who you can seek advice. If you don’t have one already, make it a goal to find a mentor this year. Hey, maybe it’s going to be one of the new things that you try!


It could be easy to forget about work/life balance when you’re passionate about what you do. Mainly, it’s true when working from home, let this year add a new year when you set aside a reasonable amount of time for your family and friends and get time to recharge.


Always look for things that can be improved with fixing. It’s not necessarily a bad characteristic but can hurt you and your business. Therefore, why not celebrate our wins rather than be demotivated from our failures. Set a goal to celebrate the successes, even if they are small. When one finishes a project, celebrate it. Celebrate if you have landed a perfect job or found a new client.

How to be Best Drafter or Designer in your Field

  1. Master the Basics: Start by learning the fundamental principles of drafting and design. Understand the software tools used in your industry, such as AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite, or other specialized software.
  2. Education and Training: Pursue formal education or training in drafting and design. Consider enrolling in relevant courses, workshops, or obtaining a degree in a related field like architecture, engineering, graphic design, or industrial design.
  3. Practice Regularly: Practice is crucial to improving your skills. Dedicate time to drawing, designing, and drafting regularly. Take on personal projects to challenge yourself and explore new techniques.
  4. Seek Feedback: Share your work with mentors, peers, or online communities to receive constructive feedback. Being open to criticism will help you identify areas for improvement.
  5. Stay Updated: Design trends and software tools change rapidly, so make it a point to stay updated with the latest advancements and industry best practices. Follow design blogs, attend conferences, and participate in webinars to stay informed.
  6. Study Other Designers: Learn from the work of other successful designers in your field. Analyze their techniques, styles, and approaches to gain insights into what makes their designs stand out.
  7. Develop a Unique Style: While learning from others is essential, strive to develop your unique style and signature approach to design. Finding your creative voice can set you apart from others in the field.
  8. Collaborate and Network: Engage with other professionals in your industry, attend design events, and join professional organizations. Networking can open doors to new opportunities and expose you to different perspectives.
  9. Accept Challenges: Don’t be afraid to take on challenging projects that push your boundaries. Overcoming obstacles and tackling complex designs will help you grow as a drafter or designer.
  10. Be Persistent and Patient: Becoming the best in your field takes time and persistence. Keep working on improving your skills, and don’t get discouraged by setbacks or rejections.
  11. Showcase Your Work: Build a strong portfolio that showcases your best projects. Your portfolio will be a crucial tool in attracting clients or potential employers.
  12. Embrace Continuous Learning: The field of drafting and design is always evolving. Stay curious and keep learning new techniques and technologies throughout your career.

If you need help regarding design and drafting services, please do not hesitate to contact us at Australian Design and Drafting Services or call us at 1800 287 223 (Toll-Free) in Australia globally.

Civil Engineering

Any big projects success depends on cost effective CAD solutions. Project Managers are very careful when it comes to spending money and it should be that way since its one of the best important resource of projects. Increasing the profitability and decreasing the overhead cost becomes most important factors for any successful projects. We are going to examine how Civil engineering firm can able to achieve cost effective solution with 3D CAD design and drafting.

When cutting down cost implement successfully, Engineering firm already half on their mark to achieve goals. some of them can get the fact wrong, Cost controlling is not just not doing certain things to save money, but it is doing things more efficiently. Most engineering firms would use 3D CAD for designing and drafting purposes to do things more efficiently, and thus, control the costs. It is easier said than done, so let’s see how it’s done.

Cost Effective CAD Solutions for Civil Engineering

With 3D CAD, things are built virtually from scratch. Prototyping is made easier. Even before the building is built, you can virtually check the strength of the building. But, what has this got to do with costs? There’s a relation, suppose if you just didn’t do calculate the strength of the building properly, and the building collapsed due to some minor natural forces. It can cost you a lot, isn’t it? There are instances where this has happened, we will discuss that in some other article later on.  So, my point is that with 3D CAD, we can simulate environmental factors. And when important elements are factored in, flaws can be eliminated. You are avoiding heavy costs.

In 3D CAD, you can start working on elements individually. You can make changes to an element individually. So, chances of screwing some element when working on another are rare. And revisions are easy. 3D CAD comes along with 3D mouse, this would enable you to govern the tasks better with more precision. With more precision, the design cycles will be shorter. And when design cycles are shorter, you are saving the time, Again! Yes, people are performing the tasks at a great speed with 3D CAD.

This is saving you time, and if you are saving time, you can work on additional projects. You would require fewer people with 3D CAD relatively. There, you are saving bucks again! Someone who says he doesn’t want to save time would be lying.  It’s all about being efficient and saving time. And saving time is cutting down costs. And one who does save the time will be a champion.

Cost Effective CAD Solutions for Civil Engineering

Are you looking for an expert who could probably take care of your CAD drafting and designing concerns in civil engineering? Australian Design and Drafting services is in the CAD drafting and drawing industry from last 10 years. So, no worries about the quality of the work Australian Design and Drafting has to offer. Australian Design and Drafting can help you out in cost control with its 3D CAD services. Australian Design and Drafting just does the job like an extended in-house team with a lower turn-around time. And yes, we have advanced tools like Revit, Civil 3D, Tekla, etc.

So, want to save costs and grow your business? We can even offer you a free trial project that will help you understand the quality of the work that we have to offer with CAD.

There are numerous within your means Computer-Aided Design (CAD) options accessible for civil engineering professionals. These tools provide a vary of aspects for designing, analyzing, and documenting civil engineering projects. Here are some alternatives to consider:

AutoCAD LT: This is a lighter and greater low priced model of AutoCAD, which is a broadly used CAD software. AutoCAD LT affords 2D drafting and detailing tools, making it appropriate for developing technical drawings and documentation.

DraftSight: DraftSight is a 2D drafting and 3D plan software program that affords a acquainted person interface for these transitioning from different CAD platforms. It gives vital aspects for creating, editing, and annotating drawings.

LibreCAD: LibreCAD is an open-source 2D CAD utility that is appropriate for small to medium-sized civil engineering projects. It’s simple and gives fundamental drawing and enhancing tools.

BricsCAD: BricsCAD provides a comparatively cheap choice to AutoCAD with complete 2D and 3D drafting capabilities. It’s recognized for its compatibility with AutoCAD archives and presents a vary of specialised modules for civil engineering design.

FreeCAD: FreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D CAD modeler. While it is extra centered on 3D modeling, it can be used for primary civil engineering duties and is specifically beneficial for designing buildings and components.

NanoCAD: NanoCAD is a free and budget-friendly CAD software program that presents 2D drafting and graph tools. It’s appropriate for growing technical drawings, schematics, and architectural plans.

CMS IntelliCAD: CMS IntelliCAD is an low cost CAD software program with AutoCAD compatibility. It presents 2D and 3D drafting competencies and is regularly used with the aid of civil engineers and architects.

SketchUp Free: While notably regarded for architectural design, SketchUp Free can additionally be used for fundamental civil engineering projects. It’s a 3D modeling device that is handy to research and affords each free and paid versions.

QCAD: QCAD is a 2D CAD software program it is easy and intuitive. It’s mainly beneficial for growing technical drawings, schematics, and plans.

Tinkercad: Tinkercad is a browser-based 3D modeling device that is basic and appropriate for fundamental civil engineering format tasks. It’s free and handy online.

To schedule a personal meeting with our  Representative or contact Sales Team on: 1800 287 223 (1800AUSCAD)

For more information, log on to: or drop an e-mail at:

What are 7 types of civil engineers?

Civil engineering is a broad field with various specializations. Here are seven types of civil engineers:

Structural Engineers: They design and analyze structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, and towers to ensure they can withstand environmental loads and remain safe and stable.
Geotechnical Engineers: These engineers study the behavior of earth materials like soil and rocks and their interaction with structures. They assess site conditions for construction projects and design foundations and earthworks.
Transportation Engineers: They focus on designing and improving transportation systems, including roads, highways, railways, airports, and public transit systems, to ensure efficient and safe movement of people and goods.
Environmental Engineers: Environmental engineers work to protect the environment and public health. They deal with issues like water and air pollution, waste management, and environmental remediation, designing solutions to minimize negative impacts and promote sustainability.
Water Resources Engineers: These engineers manage water resources such as rivers, lakes, groundwater, and stormwater. They design systems for water supply, flood control, irrigation, and wastewater treatment.
Construction Engineers: Construction engineers manage construction projects from planning to completion. They coordinate resources, schedules, and budgets to ensure projects are completed safely, on time, and within budget.
Coastal Engineers: Coastal engineers specialize in managing coastal areas and addressing challenges related to erosion, flooding, and coastal infrastructure. They design coastal protection structures, such as seawalls and breakwaters, to mitigate the impacts of coastal hazards.

what is civil engineering?

Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure and built environments. It encompasses a wide range of projects, including buildings, bridges, roads, railways, airports, dams, water supply systems, wastewater treatment plants, and more.

Civil engineers are responsible for ensuring that these structures and systems are safe, sustainable, and efficient. They work on projects from the planning and design stages through construction and maintenance, considering factors such as materials, environmental impact, economic feasibility, and regulatory requirements.

Key areas within civil engineering include structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, water resources engineering, construction engineering, and coastal engineering, among others. Civil engineers play a crucial role in shaping the physical infrastructure of societies and improving the quality of life for communities around the world.

Solidworks Cad Data management

It is no secret that managing Gigabytes of CAD data can be tough. Especially if you’re a new comer to a company that contains years of legacy data, you’ll probably be spending at least 2 hours a day on non-essential task, which is sorting out your files.

Solidworks Cad

What’s more, every department in a company (or dare I say every employee in a company), has their own way of sorting their files. Yes, a company may enforce a rule that any files checked into the server of the company follows a certain nomenclature, but who is going to enforce it?

Poor Data Management leads to many issues such as:

  • Poor Decisions based on faulty or poor information
  • Duplicated efforts because one users did not know that the work he is doing was already done by someone else and it was in the company’s data storage
  • Lost of sales because customer’s cant get the information in time and leaves in frustration
  • Lost of productivity as employees disturbs other employees for data that is already there but can’t find them

This is where a data management needs to be more than just a security center. It needs to be an intelligent vault. Introducing an intelligent PDM system, called SOLIDWORKS Product Data Management (PDM).

Nothing screams horror than sifting through an assembly with 1000s of parts just so that you pull it out replace with another. Another concern would also be to pinpoint where a particular standard part is used (Important if you need to replace a part thought to be standard with a revised version).

The default Microsoft search function may not be able to help you find you the parts you want as search function are based on how the OS indexes the files. With SOLIDWORKS PDM, all your CAD files are promptly indexed to make the search function more powerful and accurate. With the ability to give you where the files has been used and the history of the file, you can quickly and efficiently get the information you need!

If you are in an organisation whereby a few engineers work on a same project, you would most likely fall in the trap of working on a file in which someone else is working on at the same time. At the end of the day when it comes to putting it all together, nothing fits! Back to the drawing board….

Solidworks Cad Data Management

PDM controls the flow of all the documents, making sure each users knows the status of the file. If one person is working on a file, others may still view it, but not work on it until the initial user is done. Think of PDM as your friendly traffic police, making sure the flow of documents keeps moving without a hiccup.

Sometimes when a particular step goes idle, due to:

  1. Awaiting confirmation on the green light
  2. Awaiting confirmation that a correction is needed
  3. Awaiting for other departments to make a move

The user may also forget about his/her own movement in the project, and they are not aware of the status of the steps mentioned above.

With PDM, the process workflow defined in the PDM system keeps you updated about what steps are currently in progress and who is in charge. Built in is also the Notification Capability, which reminds the person-in-charge to keep the process going, so that no time is wasted!

The biggest concern about any data management solution is whether:

  1. Is it easy to manage?
  2. Do I need to hire an IT person to constantly look over it?

Be assured that the PDM solution will keep your data safe, organised and compliant.

One of the biggest roadblocks to adopting a data management systems is the fear that users may not get used to the system, which locks them out from the pool of data. Well that is not the case with PDM. With its tight integration with Windows, accessing files is as easy as using Windows explorer, opening folders to access the files. With its structured way of checking in/out of files, you will be assured that any files being opened or entered the vault is following company protocol.

It’s a step-by-step method which keeps all your files organised and populated with essential date.

File history is always difficult to track unless the right discipline is instilled in the user. By default, most users when it comes to editing an old file will just save the new version over it, completely destroying the older version of the file. What happens is that:

  • Nobody knows what changes were made
  • Nobody knows who made the changes
  • And if the new version is not acceptable and need to revert back, its not possible! (Time wasted in recreating the old version)

So why not let PDM do that with you? It keeps track of the entire history of your files, AUTOMATICALLY! Let engineers do the designing, and PDM on the file management.

SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM includes:

> File management: centralised file vaulting capabilities to manage and control electronic intellectual property and product design data

> Revision management: track changes, maintain a complete revision history of a design’s evolution, and avoid the errors of manual approaches

> Bill of materials (BOM) management: a range of tools for making BOM information management more efficient, enabling you to export BOM data in multiple ways to use in downstream applications and systems

> Distributed collaboration: keep people connected, up to date, and working on the same set of data, regardless of their location

> Regulatory compliance: helps you comply with government regulatory requirements or industry standards for controlled development processes and product documentation

> Design reuse: create a framework for quickly locating and reusing or repurposing existing design data

> Engineering change management: significantly reduce the time needed to complete your design approval and engineering change order (ECO) processes with the automated electronic workflow system

> Secure file vaulting: securely control access to sensitive or proprietary product information

> Enterprise scalability: easily connect the design data needs of your entire enterprise, whether for just a few users in a single location or hundreds of contributors working in multiple locations around the world

If you would like to know more about PDM, CAD Data Management please feel free to contact us at +61 731 493 547 or email, and our EPDM experts would be happy to help!

Australian Design & Drafting provides quality solidworks drafting service around Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, GoldCoast. We also provide affordable contract Solidworks drafter, Solidworks designer with short notice!..

What is CAD data management?

CAD data management refers to the process of organizing, storing, and controlling computer-aided design (CAD) files and related data throughout their lifecycle. This includes managing various types of CAD files, such as 2D drawings, 3D models, assemblies, and associated documents.
The goals of CAD data management typically include:
Organization: Ensuring that CAD files are stored in a logical and structured manner so that they can be easily located and accessed when needed.
Version Control: Tracking different versions of CAD files to avoid confusion and ensure that the latest version is always being used.
Access Control: Controlling who can access, view, edit, and delete CAD files to maintain data security and prevent unauthorized changes.
Collaboration: Facilitating collaboration among team members by providing tools for sharing CAD files, tracking changes, and managing concurrent design activities.
Data Integrity: Ensuring the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of CAD data throughout its lifecycle, including during creation, modification, and archiving.
Integration: Integrating CAD data management with other systems and processes, such as product lifecycle management (PLM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and document management systems, to streamline workflows and improve efficiency.

What is solidworks product data management?

SolidWorks Product Data Management (PDM) is a software solution provided by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation for managing SolidWorks CAD files and other related design data. It is designed to streamline the process of managing design and engineering data throughout its lifecycle, from initial creation to final production.

SolidWorks PDM offers a range of features and capabilities, including:
File Management: Organizing SolidWorks CAD files, assemblies, drawings, and other documents in a centralized repository, making it easy to locate, access, and share data.
Version Control: Tracking different versions of files and managing revisions to ensure that the correct and up-to-date versions are always being used.
Revision Control: Managing revisions to files, including assigning revision numbers, tracking changes, and maintaining a history of revisions for audit purposes.
Workflow Management: Defining and automating workflows for design processes, such as review and approval workflows, to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and according to established procedures.
Access Control: Controlling access to files and data, including defining user permissions and access rights to ensure data security and prevent unauthorized changes.
Collaboration: Facilitating collaboration among team members by providing tools for sharing files, communicating feedback, and coordinating design activities.
Integration: Integrating with other SolidWorks products, such as SolidWorks CAD software, as well as with third-party applications and systems, to streamline data exchange and improve interoperability.

2d drafting services

We are one of the best Australian Design & Drafting service companies that offer a cutting-edge 2D drafting solution. Without investing in expensive technology or going through any tedious recruitment headaches. If you’re looking for the importance of effective 2D drafting, then we offer various types of 2D drafting services. Additionally, there are numerous advantages provided by Australian Design & Drafting that comes with outsourcing.

Suppose you’re a firm that looks to draw out a design for a home, office, restaurant or any other type of building. Additionally, users can add a critical role that uses 2D drafting, offering a successful outcome.

We provide 2D drafting that uses one step that cannot be affordable to skip. It comes through encountering the problems when designing your building. Additionally, 2D drafting requires skills, time, and expertise. With outsourcing, one should not worry about doing 2D drafting. Users can outsource 2D drafting by adding Australian Design & Drafting service company. Now get big by saving time, effort and cost.

2D drafting services offered:

No matter what type of design plan users want, they can avail effective 2D drafting plan. It outsources Australian Design & Drafting services by offering the best mechanical engineers. 2D drafters come with their skills and knowledge to deliver cutting-edge 2D drafting services for your building. Users can avail of 2D drafting services for below following services:

  • Architectural drawings
  • Preliminary drawings
  • Millwork drawings
  • Structural design drawings
  • Engineering (MEP) drawings
  • Construction or working drawings
  • Assembly drawings
  • Shop drawings
  • Manufacturing drawings
  • Fabrication drawings
  • Presentation drawings
  • Machine drawings
  • Structural steel detailing

What makes Australian Design & Drafting the best place for 2D drafting?

Here’s why the Australian Design & Drafting company use Australia’s preferred location for 2D drafting:

  1. Use Latest 2D drafting software and tools: Australian Design & Drafting comes with the latest 2D drafting tools and software. It includes Autodesk, AutoCAD®, MicroStation®, SolidWorks®, Staad Pro®, Ansys®, 3DS Max®, VRay, Unigraphics/NX, X-Steel, Revit®, ProE®, CATIA®, ® Inventor® and to create world-class 2D drafts.
  1. Skilled 2D drafters: Outsource 2D drafting with the Australian Design & Drafting service company, and offer access to a professional team of drafters and engineers. It collaborates with the company, understanding the needs and offering satisfactory 2D drafting solutions.

We offer a 2D drafting solution with preliminary drawings, architectural drawings, and other structural drawings. Develop a firm base for using design plans.

  1. 2D drafting in CAD: We at Australian Design & Drafting comes with extensive knowledge of conducting 2D drafting in CAD, along with exact scaling and specifications added by you.
  2. Huge cost savings: By outsourcing, one can cut down current costs by 50%. It provides access to drawn 2D drafts that meet your expectations.

Outsource 2D drafting with Australian Design & Drafting services from payroll, mundane recruitment, and infrastructure-related hassles. If you want to outsource today, then 2D drafting service prefer to start with? If you are looking to outsource 2D drafting? If you have any queries on outsourcing or want to express your views. We at Australian Design & Drafting would be happy to serve you the best.

Opt for affordable 2D drafting services

The solution is simple. All you have to do is outsource to Australian Design & Drafting and you can avail a cutting edge 2D drafting solution, without having to invest in expensive technology or going through tedious recruitment headaches.  Read on to find out more about the importance of effective 2D drafting, the varied types of 2D drafting services offered by Australian Design & Drafting and the numerous benefits that comes with outsourcing.

If your firm is drawing out a design for an office, home, restaurant or any other type of building, then you would definitely be aware of the critical role that 2D drafting plays in the successful outcome of a building. 2D drafting is one step that you cannot afford to skip, even though you may encounter other problems when designing your building. Moreover, 2D drafting also requires time, skill and expertise. With outsourcing, you need not worry about doing 2D drafting anymore. You can simply outsource 2D drafting to Australian Design & Drafting and enjoy big savings on cost, time and effort.

2D drafting services offered :

No matter what type of design plan you want, you can avail an effective 2D drafting plan by outsourcing to Australian Design & Drafting. We have best mechanical engineers and 2D drafters who can put their skills and knowledge to deliver a cutting-edge 2D draft for your building. You can avail 2D drafting services for any one of the following:

  • Architectural drawings
  • Preliminary drawings
  • Millwork drawings
  • Assembly drawings
  • Shop drawings
  • Structural design drawings
  • Engineering (MEP) drawings
  • Presentation drawings
  • Machine drawings
  • Manufacturing drawings
  • Fabrication drawings
  • Structural steel detailing
  • Construction or working drawings

What makes Australian Design & Drafting a hot destination for 2D drafting?

Here’s why Australian Design & Drafting is the Australia’s preferred location for 2D drafting:

1. Latest 2D drafting software and tools: Australian Design & Drafting employ the very latest in 2D drafting tools and software, such as, AutoCAD®, MicroStation®, SolidWorks®, Staad Pro®, Ansys®, 3DS Max®, VRay, X-Steel, Revit®, ProE®, CATIA®, Autodesk® Inventor® and Unigraphics/NX to create world-class 2D drafts.

2. Skilled 2D drafters: Outsourcing 2D drafting to Australian Design & Drafting can give you access to a dedicated team of drafters and engineers who will collaborate with your company, understand your needs and provide you with a satisfactory 2D drafting solution. With a 2D drafting solution for your preliminary drawing, architectural drawing or structural drawing, you can develop a firm base for your design plans.

3. 2D drafting in CAD: Australian Design & Drafting  have an extensive knowledge of conducting 2D drafting in CAD, as per the exact scaling and specifications given by you.

4. Huge cost savings: By outsourcing, you can cut down on your current cost by a whopping 50% while getting access to professionally drawn 2D drafts that meet your expectations.

Outsource 2D drafting to Australian Design & Drafting today and experience freedom from mundane recruitment, payroll or infrastructure related hassles.

If you were to outsource today, which 2D drafting service would you prefer to start with? Have you outsourced 2D drafting before? If yes, how did it go? If you have a question on outsourcing or want to express your views, just leave a comment in the box below. We, at Australian Design & Drafting love to hear from you!


What is 2D drafting?

2D drafting is the creation of technical drawings or plans using two-dimensional representations. These drawings depict the layout, dimensions, and specifications of objects, buildings, machinery, or systems. In 2D drafting, lines, shapes, symbols, and text are used to communicate design details and instructions effectively.

Traditionally, 2D drafting was done manually using drafting tools like pencils, rulers, and compasses on drafting paper. However, with advancements in technology, computer-aided design (CAD) software has become the primary tool for 2D drafting. CAD software allows designers and drafters to create, edit, and manipulate drawings digitally, increasing efficiency and accuracy in the drafting process.

2D drafting is essential in various industries such as architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, and interior design. It is used to produce architectural plans, engineering drawings, electrical schematics, circuit diagrams, and more. These drawings serve as blueprints for construction, fabrication, or assembly, guiding the implementation of design concepts into physical reality.

What are the benefits of 2D drafting?

The benefits of 2D drafting include:
Clarity and Precision: 2D drafting allows for clear and precise communication of design ideas, dimensions, and specifications, ensuring that all stakeholders understand the intended concept accurately.
Efficiency: With the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software, 2D drafting significantly increases drafting efficiency compared to manual drafting methods. CAD tools offer features such as templates, symbols libraries, and automated dimensioning, speeding up the drafting process.
Cost-Effectiveness: 2D drafting can be more cost-effective than 3D modeling, especially for simpler projects or when detailed 3D visualization is not necessary. It requires less computational power and can be performed using less expensive software packages.
Compatibility and Interoperability: 2D drawings are often compatible with various software applications and easily shareable across different platforms. This facilitates collaboration among team members, suppliers, contractors, and clients who may use different software tools or systems.
Documentation and Standards Compliance: 2D drafting allows for the creation of standardized drawings that comply with industry-specific regulations, codes, and standards. These drawings serve as legal documents and reference materials throughout the project lifecycle.
Versatility: 2D drafting can be applied to a wide range of industries and disciplines, including architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, electrical design, and interior design. It is adaptable to different project requirements and scales.
Accessibility: Unlike 3D modeling, which may require specialized training and expertise, 2D drafting can be more accessible to beginners and individuals with basic drafting skills. Many CAD software programs offer user-friendly interfaces and tutorials to support learning and proficiency.
Historical Continuity: While 3D modeling is becoming increasingly prevalent, 2D drafting remains an essential skill in many industries due to its historical continuity. Many legacy designs and documents are in 2D format, necessitating proficiency in 2D drafting for maintenance, renovation, or archival purposes.

future of 3d design

In recent times, TV shows have been so inspiring that they made me think about how the future is shaped by adding new technology. Once we realise that, it won’t be science fiction anymore, but it will be reality. The entire generation expects certain things from future technology.

Additionally, the movies feature pieces of imaginary technology that later become a reality. It comes with a compact communications device, face-to-face voice chat, and other voice recognition. It uses a few concepts that mostly appear on the show in the real world. Talking about Holograms, it’s another instance of a technology that appeared in the movie and uses one piece of tech. The companies are continuously trying hard to develop a better design.

Microsoft Hololens


Oculus Rift and other augmented reality combined with Google Glass are the closest to bringing holograms into the world.Moving on, Microsoft’s Kinect developed a new platform that brings a simulated reality into both the workplace and living rooms. This new system is called HoloLens, which takes the shape of a pair of goggles rather than a holo suite. Unlike Oculus Rift, HoloLens does not attempt to trick your brain into thinking it’s someplace else. At the same time, it uses augmented reality (AR) to overlay holograms into your everyday space.

To use it every day, we add holograms everyone uses, from mechanics to brain surgeons. Some teachers find numerous ways to leverage holographic technology at every level of education. No doubt, there is an entertainment industry that might discover ways to use the technology for video games. We know it’s cool, but 3D printing is a king. What do you think about why we care about the HoloLens? HoloLens comes with new opportunities for 3D design. It sketches 3D images on a 2D surface with the HoloLens, designers, and engineers that design and develop using 3D parts in 3D.

Microsoft realises how much potential it needs to design the new platform. It includes instances for 3D design, including demos and other video marketing. One shouldn’t be surprised if the HoloLens shipped with 3D design software comes with haptic feedback tools. Users can add a pair of haptic gloves that suddenly comes with the ability to mould new parts, including a 3D mouse or stylus.

The Possibilities of HoloLens for Engineering Design


The design of HoloLens is inspiring. Also, the design engineers will go beyond traditional 3D monitors that are controlled via mouse or touch. It gives immersive 3D in the real world that uses gestures and voice. Holograms allow to visualise how something would look in the physical world. It can benefit of 3D editing and authoring capabilities, mimicking how you would interact with something in real life.

We create a physical mock-up or prototype just by using foam, clay and various other mediums for modelling. This is what we design with HoloLens. It comes with more tools and fewer constraints, adding it to the real world. One can share it with all holograms by collaborating it remotely. Users can even turn them into physical objects and HoloStudio’s 3D print compatibility.


To think about all the possibilities, one needs to find the field service and repair the products and machines. Withstanding next to an aircraft or vehicle, users can have digital instructions pinned as holograms. The 3D animation within the actual physical context available right in front of you brings remote colleagues or advisors along with HoloNotes on Skype. It allows them to see the environment from their tablet to troubleshoot and collaborate on a repair on the spot. The user has to draw instructions that appear as animations and helps through walk a new process.


It comes with new ways to learn the powerful capability of HoloLens. In both field and design service training scenarios, users can learn, visualise and examine in 3D. Additionally, one can understand how a product works in the actual environment. It’s a different inspection performed on a product or individual tests that meet the product with safety standards. Moreover, it simulates an unsafe environment that practices what you’d do in that situation.

3D Design Service

For additional information about professional CAD drafting services, connect to Australian Design and Drafting Services company. Call on 1800 287 223 or 07 3149 3547 today and discuss your requirements.





What are 3D Design Services?

3D design services involve the creation of three-dimensional digital models, visualizations, and simulations to depict objects, products, buildings, or environments in a virtual space. These services are offered by professionals and firms specializing in computer-aided design (CAD), 3D modeling, rendering, and animation.

Here are some common types of 3D design services:

Product Design: 3D design services are often used to develop virtual prototypes of products, allowing designers and engineers to visualize, iterate, and refine their designs before manufacturing. This includes consumer products, industrial equipment, machinery, automotive components, and more.
Architectural Visualization: Architects and real estate developers use 3D design services to create realistic renderings and walkthroughs of buildings, interiors, and landscapes. These visualizations help clients and stakeholders better understand the design concept, spatial layout, and aesthetic appeal of architectural projects.
Interior Design: Interior designers utilize 3D design services to create virtual models of interior spaces, including residential homes, commercial offices, retail stores, restaurants, and hospitality venues. These models allow designers to experiment with different layouts, furniture arrangements, materials, and lighting effects to achieve the desired ambiance and functionality.
Animation and Visual Effects: 3D design services are employed in the entertainment industry to produce animated films, video games, special effects, and virtual simulations. This involves creating lifelike characters, environments, and dynamic sequences through 3D modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, and rendering techniques.
Engineering and Prototyping: Engineers and manufacturers use 3D design services to develop detailed models of mechanical components, assemblies, and prototypes. These models facilitate design analysis, testing, and validation of engineering concepts, helping to identify and resolve potential issues early in the product development process.
Medical and Scientific Visualization: In the fields of medicine and science, 3D design services are utilized to create anatomical models, surgical simulations, and scientific visualizations. These models aid in medical education, research, diagnosis, treatment planning, and public outreach.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): With the growing popularity of VR and AR technologies, 3D design services are increasingly used to develop immersive experiences and interactive applications. This includes virtual tours, training simulations, gaming experiences, and marketing presentations that leverage the capabilities of VR and AR platforms.

What is 3D services?

“3D services” is a broad term that encompasses a range of offerings related to three-dimensional (3D) design, modeling, visualization, and animation. These services are provided by professionals, agencies, studios, or freelancers with expertise in computer-aided design (CAD), 3D modeling software, rendering, and animation techniques. Here are some common types of 3D services:
3D Modeling: This involves creating digital representations of objects, products, characters, environments, or architectural structures in three-dimensional space. 3D modelers use specialized software to sculpt, manipulate, and refine geometric shapes, surfaces, and textures to achieve the desired form and detail.
3D Rendering: Rendering is the process of generating photorealistic images or animations from 3D models. Render artists use rendering software to simulate lighting, materials, shadows, reflections, and other visual effects to create lifelike representations of virtual scenes.
Architectural Visualization: Architectural firms and real estate developers utilize 3D services to create visualizations, renderings, and virtual tours of architectural designs. This helps clients and stakeholders visualize proposed buildings, interiors, landscapes, and urban developments before construction begins.
Product Visualization: Companies in various industries, such as consumer goods, automotive, electronics, and furniture, use 3D services to create digital prototypes and marketing visuals of their products. This includes 3D product modeling, rendering, and animation for promotional materials, packaging, websites, and advertisements.
Animation and Motion Graphics: Animators and motion graphics artists employ 3D services to produce animated sequences, visual effects, and motion graphics for films, television shows, commercials, video games, and multimedia presentations. This involves character animation, rigging, keyframing, particle effects, and compositing techniques.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): With the rise of VR and AR technologies, 3D services are increasingly used to develop immersive experiences and interactive applications. This includes creating 3D models, environments, simulations, and interactive interfaces for VR/AR platforms, training programs, educational content, and marketing campaigns.
Medical and Scientific Visualization: In the fields of medicine, biology, and science, 3D services are employed to create anatomical models, medical illustrations, scientific visualizations, and educational materials. This helps researchers, educators, and healthcare professionals visualize complex biological structures, processes, and data.

engineers cad drinks

Autodesk Introduces Whisky Drinks for AutoCAD and CAD Drinks for Engineers – Helping Them Plot Their Own Cocktails. Now Autodesk users can download their own copy of CAD drinks, and learn to mix cocktails with precision.

The DWG files contain all the information about the technique of mixing your drinks – simply by shaking them or by stirring with/without cracked ice. The schematics also suggest what glass to use, which ingredients go first and lists all the details of what to put in your glass and how, drawn right there – orange segment, pineapple chunk, onions, cherry, mint leaves, ice cubes, finely granulated sugar and the list goes on, all have a different recognizable graphics.

The drafts are drawn to scale in elevation, here alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks are color coded and rendered and the files are available in downloadable DWG file formats. The info graphics are prepared to appeal to an architect/ engineers brain and are replete with instructions for mixing and consumption of the drinks.

CAD drinks promises fun hour for architects and engineers as they meet after work, and design their cocktails just like they design buildings and machines. Designed by an engineer Shaan Herley, the chart codes more than 70 cocktails in their classic form right from the traditional Martini, to the popular Pina Colada.

Download Whiskey Drinks AutoCAD DWG File

Engineer’s CAD Drinks for industries

It seems like you are looking for information about CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software used in the context of designing drinks for industries. However, the concept of “CAD Drinks” might be a bit unclear. Let me try to provide some information based on the given context.

In the food and beverage industry, including the beverage industry, CAD software is commonly used for various purposes, such as designing packaging, manufacturing equipment, and even planning layout and workflow in processing plants. Here are some potential applications of CAD in the drink industry:

  1. Packaging Design: CAD software can be used to create 2D and 3D models of beverage containers, such as bottles, cans, and tetra packs. Engineers and designers can use these models to optimize the shape, size, and functionality of the packaging.
  2. Equipment Design: CAD is utilized to design machinery and equipment used in the production and processing of beverages. This includes components like mixers, pumps, conveyors, and filling machines. Designers can model and simulate these machines to ensure efficient and safe operation.
  3. Factory Layout: CAD software can assist in planning and designing the layout of a beverage manufacturing facility. Engineers can create detailed floor plans that optimize space usage and workflow efficiency.
  4. Process Simulation: CAD tools with additional capabilities for process simulation can help engineers evaluate and optimize the beverage production processes. This may include heat transfer simulations for pasteurization or CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) for mixing and flow analysis.
  5. Label and Branding Design: CAD software can be used to create label designs for beverage bottles or packaging. Designers can visualize and iterate on label designs before production.
  6. Quality Control and Testing: CAD can be used to create test fixtures and molds for quality control testing of beverage products.

It’s important to note that while CAD software is widely used in various industries, specific applications may vary depending on the unique requirements and processes of each industry and company.

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has become an indispensable tool in the beverage industry, providing engineers, designers, and manufacturers with a wide range of applications to streamline and optimize their processes. From conceptualizing the initial design to final production, CAD software plays a vital role in enhancing product development, improving efficiency, and ensuring quality in the beverage manufacturing process.

One of the primary areas where CAD is extensively utilized is in packaging design. Engineers and designers can create intricate 3D models of beverage containers, exploring various shapes, sizes, and materials to find the most functional and visually appealing packaging solutions. These digital prototypes enable rapid iteration, cost-saving, and a reduction in material waste during the physical prototyping stage.

Moreover, CAD software aids in the development of machinery and equipment used in beverage production. Engineers can design complex processing equipment, such as blenders, filtration systems, and carbonation units, with precision and accuracy. By simulating the equipment’s performance in the CAD environment, potential issues can be identified and rectified before they become costly problems during actual production.

In large-scale beverage manufacturing plants, factory layout planning is critical for optimal workflow and resource management. CAD tools enable engineers to create comprehensive floor plans, visualizing the placement of machinery, production lines, storage areas, and employee workstations. This ensures that the plant’s layout maximizes space utilization and minimizes bottlenecks, leading to increased productivity and reduced downtime.

What type of engineers use CAD?

Several types of engineers use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software in their work, including:
Mechanical Engineers: They use CAD to design mechanical systems, machinery, components, and products.
Civil Engineers: CAD helps them design infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, dams, and buildings.
Electrical Engineers: CAD is used in the design of electrical systems, circuits, and components.
Aerospace Engineers: CAD is vital for designing aircraft, spacecraft, and related components.
Architectural Engineers: CAD assists in designing architectural structures, including buildings and interior spaces.
Automotive Engineers: CAD is used extensively in designing vehicles, their components, and systems.
Environmental Engineers: CAD aids in designing environmental systems and solutions, such as wastewater treatment plants and pollution control devices.
CAD software allows engineers from various disciplines to create detailed digital models of their designs, facilitating visualization, analysis, and collaboration throughout the design process.

Do engineering students use CAD?

Yes, engineering students often use CAD software as part of their academic curriculum. Many engineering programs include courses specifically dedicated to teaching CAD skills. These courses aim to familiarize students with CAD software and its applications in their respective fields of study.
Using CAD software allows engineering students to:
Gain practical skills: CAD software is widely used in industry, so learning it during their studies prepares students for their future careers.
Visualize concepts: CAD enables students to create digital models of engineering designs, helping them visualize complex concepts and understand how different components interact.
Design projects: Engineering students often have design projects as part of their coursework, and CAD software provides them with the tools to create detailed and accurate designs.
Collaborate with peers: CAD software allows students to collaborate with their classmates on group projects by sharing digital models and working on them together.

CAD Drafters

Today’s CAD designers will have to obtain, at the very minimum, an associate’s degree. Course work in this career field should ideally begin in high school, with a focus on art, science, computer technologies, math, and drafting. Upon entering college, students should continue to pursue courses they were unable to obtain in high school, as well as more courses in composition, engineering, technical drawing, manufacturing design processes, and CAD architectural drafting and dimensioning computer classes.

For those desiring a bachelor’s degree, most universities do not offer a 4-year degree in CAD design. However, there are viable degree choices to gain the educational experience required, such as in mathematics, engineering, computer architecture, and computer science. Some students opt to start an internship with an employer, after obtaining their associate’s degree and while pursuing a bachelor’s degree, as this helps enable them to choose the most appropriate degree and courses.

Job Responsibilities of CAD Designers

The primary job responsibility of designers will be the middle men and women who will have to bridge the gap between top level engineers and architects, and production/construction processes. In addition, CAD designers have to know how to read drawings and schematics to be able to answer questions posed to them by production/construction staff. Further, designers are going to have to become experts in their particular industry segment, as well as be proficient in basic drafting and the latest CAD computer technologies.

Salary Outlook for CAD Designers

Salaries for CAD designers are largely related to specific CAD industries. According to the Statistics, in 2015 starting salaries for CAD designers ranged from $51,038 to just over $62,000 annually. Designers who specialized in electrical fields commanded the higher starting salaries, while careers in mechanical, civil, and architectural related fields started at the lower end. It is important to remember that these are median salary ranges and other factors, like the cost of living in a particular area, influence the starting salaries being offered by employers.

For employers, CAD designers provide the opportunity to save money, since they can be tasked with the bulk of layout, modification, and change work, and they eliminate the need to have to pay a much more experienced professional to do this work. In addition, new designers provide employers the ability to train them to fit with their specific industry segment and processes. As a result, the turn-around time on projects is faster and is still completed accurately and precisely, allowing the business to take on more clients and expand their operations.

CAD Drafters

If you are looking for experienced CAD drafters designers to assist with projects or other CAD drafting services, please feel free to contact Australian Design and Drafting Services at 1800 287 223 or 07 3149 3547  today.

What degree do you need to be a CAD drafter?

To become a CAD drafter, you typically need at least an associate degree or a certificate in drafting or a related field. These programs are offered by community colleges, technical institutes, and vocational schools and usually take one to two years to complete.

Common degree options include:
Associate Degree in Drafting Technology: This program provides comprehensive training in CAD software, drafting techniques, and industry standards. It covers topics such as geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T), technical drawing, and engineering principles.
Certificate in Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD): This shorter program focuses specifically on CAD software skills and may be suitable for individuals who already have some background in drafting or a related field.

While a degree or certificate is often the minimum requirement for entry-level CAD drafting positions, some employers may also prefer candidates with additional qualifications or specialized training. This could include specific certifications in CAD software (such as Autodesk AutoCAD or SolidWorks), as well as knowledge of industry-specific standards and regulations.

Ultimately, the specific educational requirements for CAD drafters can vary depending on the employer and the specific role, but a combination of formal education, relevant experience, and proficiency in CAD software is typically necessary to succeed in this field.

What qualifications do you need to be a CAD drafter?

To become a CAD drafter, you need a combination of education, skills, and qualifications. Here are the key qualifications typically required:

To become a CAD drafter, you need a combination of education, skills, and qualifications. Here are the key qualifications typically required:
Education: Most CAD drafters have at least an associate degree or a certificate in drafting, computer-aided design (CAD), or a related field. Some employers may prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, architecture, or a related discipline for more advanced positions.
CAD Software Proficiency: CAD drafters must be proficient in using CAD software, such as Autodesk AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, or Revit. They should be able to create, modify, and manipulate technical drawings and 3D models efficiently.

Technical Drawing Skills: CAD drafters need strong technical drawing skills to accurately interpret sketches, specifications, and other design information. They should understand geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) principles and be able to create detailed, precise drawings.
Industry Knowledge: CAD drafters should have a good understanding of industry-specific standards, codes, and regulations relevant to the field they work in, whether it’s architecture, engineering, manufacturing, or another industry.

Attention to Detail: Precision and attention to detail are essential qualities for CAD drafters. They must accurately translate design specifications into detailed drawings, ensuring that dimensions, annotations, and other elements are correct.

Problem-Solving Skills: CAD drafters often encounter technical challenges or design issues that require problem-solving skills to resolve. They should be able to identify and address issues efficiently to produce high-quality drawings.

Communication Skills: CAD drafters need strong communication skills to effectively collaborate with engineers, architects, project managers, and other stakeholders. They must be able to communicate technical information clearly and concisely.

Continuous Learning: CAD technology and industry standards evolve over time, so CAD drafters should be committed to ongoing learning and professional development to stay current with new software features, techniques, and best practices. Most CAD drafters have at least an associate degree or a certificate in drafting, computer-aided design (CAD), or a related field. Some employers may prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, architecture, or a related discipline for more advanced positions.

CAD Software Proficiency: CAD drafters must be proficient in using CAD software, such as Autodesk AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, or Revit. They should be able to create, modify, and manipulate technical drawings and 3D models efficiently.

Technical Drawing Skills: CAD drafters need strong technical drawing skills to accurately interpret sketches, specifications, and other design information. They should understand geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) principles and be able to create detailed, precise drawings.

CAD drafters should have a good understanding of industry-specific standards, codes, and regulations relevant to the field they work in, whether it’s architecture, engineering, manufacturing, or another industry.

Attention to Detail: Precision and attention to detail are essential qualities for CAD drafters. They must accurately translate design specifications into detailed drawings, ensuring that dimensions, annotations, and other elements are correct.

Problem-Solving Skills: CAD drafters often encounter technical challenges or design issues that require problem-solving skills to resolve. They should be able to identify and address issues efficiently to produce high-quality drawings.

Communication Skills: CAD drafters need strong communication skills to effectively collaborate with engineers, architects, project managers, and other stakeholders. They must be able to communicate technical information clearly and concisely.

Continuous Learning: CAD technology and industry standards evolve over time, so CAD drafters should be committed to ongoing learning and professional development to stay current with new software features, techniques, and best practices.

Cad Drafters Career Opportunities

CAD Drafters Career Opportunities – Over the past several decades, CAD drafters career opportunities were a valid position to pursue within the CAD design industry. With advances in technology and computer applications, career growth in this a particular segment has declined in recent years. The current expected outlook for this type of career field is only expected to grow at a rate of 1% through 2022, according to the Australian Bureau of Labor Statistics.

However, that does not necessarily mean there are not still career opportunities, so long as you have the right education and experience. In this post, we will review what a CAD drafter is, how this career field has changed, and where to find employment opportunities.

What Is a CAD Drafter?

When computers started to become more widely adapted within the CAD industry, not many engineers and architects had the experience or knowledge required to perform the task of transferring designs from paper to CAD software applications. Hence, the position of CAD drafter was created. A CAD drafter was the person responsible for converting the drawings and schematics from paper and recreating them in an appropriate software application, as well as making updates whenever modifications were made to the original drawings.

For people who were interested in computers, drawing, and design, this was a great career to pursue. In recent years, though, employers have started treating this job as an entry level position, because it does not involve having to fully understand the intricacies of the design process. Starting salaries are much lower today than they were five or even ten years ago, but, if you are looking to get into the CAD design industry, this is a great starting position while you continue to pursue your education and gain experience.

CAD Drafters Career Opportunities

The easiest way to get a position as a CAD drafter is through an internship program while you are working on your associate’s or bachelor’s degree in CAD design. Many businesses in the CAD industry are rethinking this type of position and questioning whether it is still necessary. Their philosophy stems from the fact that their architects and engineers are already using CAD apps, so why should they pay a drafter to make changes when the original designer can do it themselves?

On the other hand, not all employers want to pay a highly experienced architect or engineer to make changes and modifications to their original designs. As a result, this leaves career opportunities in the market, most of which are made readily available through internship programs. Additionally, many employers are reclassifying the position by calling those within this career field CAD designers.

CAD Drafters Career Opportunities

For more information about professional CAD drafting services or career opportunities, please feel free to contact Australian Design and Drafting Services at 1800 287 223 or 07 3149 3547 today.

Is CAD drafter a good career?

Whether CAD drafting is a good career depends on various factors, including individual preferences, skills, job market conditions, and industry trends. Here are some considerations to help you evaluate whether CAD drafting is a good career choice for you:

Job Outlook: The demand for CAD drafters can vary by industry and region. While some sectors may experience growth in CAD drafting opportunities due to infrastructure projects, technological advancements, or manufacturing needs, others may see slower growth or even declines. Researching the job market in your area and understanding industry trends can provide insights into job prospects.
Salary Potential: The salary potential for CAD drafters can vary based on factors such as experience, specialization, geographic location, and industry. Entry-level positions may offer lower salaries compared to more experienced roles or positions in high-demand industries. Researching salary ranges for CAD drafting positions in your area can help you assess earning potential.
Skills Development: CAD drafting offers opportunities for continuous learning and skills development. As CAD software evolves and industries adopt new technologies, staying updated with the latest software features, industry standards, and best practices can enhance your value as a CAD drafter and open up new career opportunities.
Career Advancement: With experience and additional training, CAD drafters can advance into roles such as senior drafter, CAD manager, design engineer, or project manager. Pursuing further education, obtaining certifications, and developing leadership and project management skills can facilitate career advancement.
Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction in CAD drafting can depend on factors such as the nature of the work, workplace culture, opportunities for creativity and problem-solving, and work-life balance. Assessing your interests, preferences, and values can help you determine whether a career in CAD drafting aligns with your personal and professional goals.

What is the highest paid CAD jobs?

The highest paid CAD jobs often involve specialized skills, extensive experience, and advanced qualifications. Here are some CAD-related roles that tend to offer high earning potential:

CAD Manager: CAD managers oversee CAD departments or teams within organizations. They are responsible for managing CAD projects, coordinating workflows, training staff, developing standards and procedures, and ensuring the efficient use of CAD software and resources.
Design Engineer: Design engineers use CAD software to create detailed designs and specifications for products, machinery, equipment, or structures. They work closely with other engineering professionals to develop innovative solutions, optimize designs for performance and manufacturability, and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.
Architectural or Structural Drafter: Architectural and structural drafters create detailed drawings and plans for buildings, bridges, and other structures using CAD software. They collaborate with architects, engineers, and construction professionals to produce accurate and functional designs that meet project requirements and regulatory standards.
Civil Engineer: Civil engineers use CAD software to design infrastructure projects such as roads, highways, bridges, airports, and utilities. They develop detailed plans and specifications, analyze site conditions, and ensure that designs meet safety, environmental, and regulatory requirements.
Aerospace Engineer: Aerospace engineers utilize CAD software to design aircraft, spacecraft, and related components. They develop detailed 3D models and drawings, perform simulations and analysis, and collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to optimize designs for performance, safety, and efficiency.
Mechanical Engineer: Mechanical engineers apply CAD software to design mechanical systems, machinery, and products. They create 3D models and drawings, conduct simulations and analysis, and refine designs to meet performance, cost, and manufacturing requirements.
Industrial Designer: Industrial designers use CAD software to develop concepts and designs for consumer products, appliances, electronics, and other manufactured goods. They create aesthetically pleasing and functional designs, consider user needs and preferences, and collaborate with engineers and manufacturers to bring products to market.

CAD Design

A common problem for parents who are raising teenage children is to pull them away from computer games so that they would do homework and other assignments. It may not be far-fetched to say that many teenagers are addicted to computer games. The APA (The American Psychiatric Association) has determined that enough evidence exists to propose the potential disorder of video game addiction as a “condition requiring further study”. Furthermore, the APA found out that excessive use of video games may have some or all of the symptoms of drug addiction or other proposed psychological addictions.

What could be the addictive element in computer gaming which controls teenage habits and behavior? It is probably due to the element of Virtual Reality (VR), which makes a teenager feel immersed in a real environment in which gaming events occur.

The use of VR in gaming technology could be responsible for computer game addiction, and there are other possible uses of VR which could have negative results for society. However, there are many other uses of VR which could be useful and beneficial.

How Is VR Being Implemented?

Research work is ongoing at Microsoft®, Google®, Facebook®, and other leading technical organizations to design electronic headsets that create high-definition holograms. The person who wears the headset will be immersed in a “real environment” in which a plethora of events could occur.

Because almost all human sensations such as smell, taste, pleasure, pain, will be simulated in addition to visual ability, the wearer of the headset will actually experience the “reality” of being in the simulated environment.

Positive types of events could include a trip to another planet, to a fancy restaurant to an amusement park, or to an imaginary paradise of fun and pleasure. Negative types of events could include escapism, isolation, and behavior modification, virtual sex, committing a crime, or doing evil to an enemy.

When the line of demarcation between what is real versus what is virtual reality disappears, it does not take much motivation for a VR-addicted person to carry out fantasies, even if they are evil, in the real world. Could the mass shootings which appear frequently in the news foreshadow a troublesome future for society?

This article looks primarily at the positive uses of VR on CAD design, although the negative implications are also acknowledged. Specifically, the article addresses these questions:

  • How is VR being used for CAD work?
  • How is VR being used to control manufacturing tasks?
  • How is VR being used in non-CAD applications?

How is VR being used for CAD DESIGN work?

VR in CAD design provides the ability to “walk around” 3D renderings of mathematical models as if they actually exist in space. The wearer of the VR helmet can actually view all details of a 3D simulation of a design in a manner that is not possible even with powerful CAD workstations.

This capability provides virtual prototyping solutions which speed up the product development cycle.

As CAD-related VR technology matures to the point of accurately checking design quality and accuracies, the need for actual prototyping will be eliminated, and the time to market will be greatly accelerated.

The probability that CAD-related VR prototyping will become available is quite likely. The company Virtalis® is working with leading CAD providers like PTC, Siemens, Dassault Systems, and Autodesk to integrate VR into their software offerings.

According to Virtalis, two customers of CAD-based VR technology (BAE Systems® and Paccar Trucks®) report that VR has enabled them to do away with physical prototyping entirely.

How Is VR Being Used To Control Manufacturing Tasks?

  • Ford® has already used CAD-driven VR for automotive design and prototyping. The automotive design engineer who wears a VR headset is now able to spot design flaws that would otherwise be impossible to detect. Furthermore, the need to build physical prototypes has been reduced because of CAD-related VR technology.
  • BAE Systems uses VR in prototyping submarine subsystems.
  • Law enforcement is using VR to create virtual and realistic models of crime scenes without requiring the presence of detectives and investigators on the crime scene.

How Is VR Being Used In Non-CAD Applications?

  • Architects and the building construction industry can construct and evaluate virtual buildings and structures before committing time and money to the actual construction.
  • The petroleum industry is using virtual environments for training workers before assigning them to offshore sites such as platforms and offshore drilling rigs.
  • Medical schools are using VR to train doctors and dentists to perform “hands on” operations on virtual patients in a risk free environment, and to learn from their mistakes.
  • Paramedics are taught life-saving skills by placing them in simulated, high-pressure emergency environments.
  • Patients and soldiers are trained to deal with phobia by placing them in simulated pressure environments.
  • VR is used in flight simulation training of air force and civilian pilots.
  • VR is used to create simulated driving conditions when training truck drivers.

What Are Known Disadvantages Of VR?

These symptoms are possible side effects of computer-driven VR:

  • Behavior modification, addiction,
  • Escapism and isolation,
  • Blurring of the distinction between the real world and virtually created environments.

These symptoms have been reported by the wearing of VR-driven headsets:

  • Motion sickness,
  • Headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea.


There are clear and indisputable advantages to be gained by using VR for CAD design. Elimination of design flaws and inaccuracies will benefit both the product manufacturer and the consumer. The manufacturer spends less time and money on developing a reliable product, and the consumer pays less for a well-designed, less expensive, and reliable product.

Granted, there will be misuse of VR technology, and it will be necessary for legislative bodies and law enforcement to protect society from criminal behavior.

Although harmful effects of VR on the human brain have been reported, they have not been studied sufficiently in order to deal with the effects. It is optimistic to assume that VR technology will mature without many adverse side effects.


What is the future scope of CAD design engineer?

The future scope of CAD design engineering appears promising, driven by technological advancements, industry demands, and evolving job requirements. Here are some key factors contributing to the future outlook of CAD design engineering:
Technological Advancements: CAD software continues to evolve, offering new features, capabilities, and integrations. Advancements in areas such as parametric modeling, generative design, virtual reality (VR), and cloud-based collaboration are enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of CAD design processes.
Industry Demand: CAD design engineering plays a crucial role across various industries, including manufacturing, construction, aerospace, automotive, electronics, and healthcare. As these industries continue to innovate and evolve, the demand for skilled CAD professionals to design and develop products, structures, and systems is expected to remain strong.

Adoption of 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: The increasing adoption of 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies is driving the demand for CAD design engineers who can create complex 3D models optimized for these processes. CAD design engineers with expertise in additive manufacturing principles and techniques are likely to be in high demand.

Integration with Industry 4.0 Technologies: CAD design engineering is becoming increasingly integrated with Industry 4.0 technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and digital twin simulation. CAD professionals who can leverage these technologies to streamline design processes, optimize product performance, and facilitate data-driven decision-making are well-positioned for the future.

Sustainability and Green Design: There is growing emphasis on sustainability and green design practices across industries. CAD design engineers who can develop eco-friendly designs, optimize material usage, and minimize environmental impact are likely to be sought after as organizations prioritize sustainability initiatives.

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: CAD design engineering often involves collaboration with professionals from diverse disciplines, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, architecture, and industrial design. CAD professionals who can effectively collaborate across disciplines, communicate technical concepts, and integrate feedback from stakeholders are valuable assets in multidisciplinary teams.

Is CAD designer a good career?

Whether CAD design is a good career depends on various factors, including individual interests, skills, job market conditions, and industry trends. Here are some considerations to help you evaluate whether a career as a CAD designer is a good fit for you:

Interest in Design and Technology: CAD designers typically work with computer-aided design (CAD) software to create detailed drawings, models, and plans for products, structures, or systems. If you have a passion for design, technology, and problem-solving, a career in CAD design may be fulfilling.

Job Market Demand: The demand for CAD designers can vary by industry and region. While some sectors may experience growth in CAD design opportunities due to technological advancements, infrastructure projects, or manufacturing needs, others may see slower growth or even declines. Researching the job market in your area and understanding industry trends can provide insights into job prospects.

Career Pathways: CAD design offers opportunities for specialization and career advancement. With experience and additional training, CAD designers can pursue roles such as senior designer, design engineer, CAD manager, or specialized designer in fields such as automotive design, aerospace engineering, architecture, or product design.

Skills Development: CAD design requires proficiency in CAD software, as well as strong spatial reasoning, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills. Continuous learning and skills development are essential for staying updated with new software features, industry standards, and design techniques.

Salary Potential: The salary potential for CAD designers can vary based on factors such as experience, specialization, geographic location, and industry. Entry-level positions may offer lower salaries compared to more experienced roles or positions in high-demand industries. Researching salary ranges for CAD design positions in your area can help you assess earning potential.

Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction in CAD design can depend on factors such as the nature of the work, workplace culture, opportunities for creativity and innovation, and work-life balance. Assessing your interests, preferences, and values can help you determine whether a career in CAD design aligns with your personal and professional goals.