Innovation is our strength

Engineering and Construction provide a tremendous amount from budget on Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) design and drafting engineers. It comes with an essential role that adds MEP and comes with a successful MEP project. As an excellent Australian design and drafting service company, we come with knowledgeable MEP Engineers. It offers drafters the support in providing efficiency along with adding cost-effective solutions. We have a successful track record that delivers high quality and error-free MEP design and drafting solutions.

As soon as you hire MEP engineers for your project, the client gets to choose the one that comes with the right set of skills. It uses equipment that is relevant to your niche. Additionally, the project managers can personally interview the candidates and add a filter with assessing the skill sets by the client’s requirement.

Our hiring process is quite simple. All you need to do is offer us the best project-specific requirements. We would provide the perfect candidate for your Project. We offer a candidate who uses vast resources and adds reference checks and personal interviews. You can be assured that an appropriate candidate comes with adding domain knowledge available at your service for the required Project.

Australian Design and Drafting services company provide simple to use products. Hire MEP Engineers account set-up and get ready to Hire MEP Engineers and Hire Drafters to hassle Free. Australian Design & Drafting Service company provides the facility to hire MEP engineers wisely by selecting the company’s talented resources. We offer an extensive recruitment procedure that delivers an ideal candidate specific to the client’s requirements.

Our client uses the freedom to choose either a single ME engineer or a team with qualified engineers following the project demand and requirements.


  • Plumbing Estimation
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
  • Effluent Treatment Plant Design
  • Stormwater design services
  • Drainage System Design Services
  • Water Supply and Sewage Network Service
  • Fire Protection Design Services
  • MEP Services 


  • Digital Prototyping: AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical, Autodesk 3ds Max Design
  • Electrical Design Software: Autocad Electrical, Zuken E3
  • 3D Mechanical Design Software: PTC Creo, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks,
  • Piping Software: CAEPIPE, CAESAR II
  • CAM Software: EdgeCAM, TubeCad, AlphaCAM
  • CAD Software: AutoCAD, Bentley Microstation, Autodesk Revit, DS Catia, SmartDraw, Alibre Design Xpress, Unigraphics


Get In Touch with our expertise and forward your resumes with shortlisted MEP Engineers/ Drafters, well-assessed under your requirements. Forward your Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) Engineer or Drafter requirement to us. We arrange a meeting or an Interview Session that shortlisted engineer or draftsman. We understand the significance of communication and project management for any successful business goal. We offer a seamless, transparent work experience. Choose to hire MEP engineers and get the best possible output for your Project.

MEP engineers are professionals who specialize in the design, implementation, and maintenance of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in various types of buildings and infrastructure projects. They are responsible for ensuring that these systems function efficiently, safely, and in compliance with applicable codes and standards.

MEP drafters, on the other hand, work closely with MEP engineers to create detailed technical drawings and plans for MEP systems. They utilize computer-aided design (CAD) software to produce accurate and precise drawings that serve as a guide for construction and installation.

When a company or organization advertises the need to “hire MEP engineers & MEP drafters,” it suggests that they are seeking qualified individuals with expertise in MEP systems to join their team. The specific job requirements and responsibilities may vary depending on the company and the project, but typically, they would involve tasks such as designing MEP systems, preparing technical drawings, collaborating with other professionals, conducting site visits, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in MEP engineering or drafting, you can search for job opportunities with companies that specialize in MEP design, engineering firms, architectural firms, construction companies, or facilities management companies.

Hiring MEP engineers and MEP drafters can provide several benefits to companies and organizations involved in construction, architecture, and facility management projects. Here are some of the advantages of hiring these professionals:

  1. Expertise in MEP Systems: MEP engineers and drafters possess specialized knowledge and skills related to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Their expertise allows them to design efficient and functional systems that meet the specific requirements of a project. This can result in improved building performance, reduced energy consumption, and enhanced occupant comfort.
  2. Compliance with Codes and Standards: MEP professionals stay up to date with the latest building codes, regulations, and industry standards. By hiring them, companies can ensure that their projects adhere to legal requirements and safety guidelines. Compliance with codes is crucial for obtaining permits and approvals from regulatory authorities.
  3. Cost Efficiency: MEP engineers and drafters can help optimize building systems to improve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs. Their design decisions, such as selecting energy-efficient equipment, proper system sizing, and optimal layout, can lead to long-term cost savings in terms of energy consumption, maintenance, and repairs.
  4. Integration and Coordination: MEP systems need to seamlessly integrate with other building components and systems, such as structural elements, architectural features, and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. MEP engineers and drafters collaborate closely with architects, structural engineers, and other professionals to ensure proper coordination and integration, minimizing conflicts and enhancing overall project efficiency.
  5. Risk Mitigation: MEP systems play a critical role in the safety and functionality of buildings. Hiring qualified MEP professionals helps mitigate the risk of system failures, malfunctions, or design errors that could lead to accidents, property damage, or operational disruptions. Their expertise in system design, equipment selection, and quality control helps identify and address potential risks early in the project lifecycle.
  6. Quality Documentation and Drawings: MEP drafters are skilled in creating accurate and detailed technical drawings and documentation for construction and installation purposes. Clear and precise drawings help contractors understand the design intent, reduce errors during construction, and facilitate smooth project execution.